Students goals are:
1) Eyes on the screen, not your hands.
2) Get 5 stars on every level.
3) Advance at least one level per class.
4) Sit up straight!
Students need consistent keyboarding instruction in order to update and maintain literacy skills. Students need daily instruction and time to practice keyboarding as it is both a physical and academic skill. Not all students will master this skill at the same rate. Most students could be done with keyboarding by 5th or 6th grade. Why do still need keyboarding skills? In the classroom, proper instruction increases our student's ability to quickly share their ideas.
Kindergarten and First Expectations
Know correct keyboarding technique
Right and left hand identification
Letter and number identification on keyboard
1st Grade
Know correct keyboarding technique
Understand location of home row keys and finger placement
Demonstrate correct use of right and left hands
Learn correct body and hand positions
Identify letters and numbers on the keyboard
Second Grade Expectations
Know correct keyboarding technique
Master home row keys
Understand movement of fingers on the keyboard
Identify location of letters on upper and lower rows of the keyboard
Show correct body and hand positions
Third Grade Expectations
Know correct keyboarding technique
Show correct body and finger positions
Learn alphabetic keys by touch through Keyboard Chatter curriculum
Keep eyes on copy
Use correct reaches from homerow keys
Key accurately from dictation and printed copy
Demonstrate correct fingering of period, comma and qustion mark
Demonstrate correct use of space bar, enter key, shift key and tab
Demonstrate required speed and accuracy
Demonstrate correct keyboarding technique through use of timed writtings.
Achieve minimum competency of 15 wpm speed at 95% accuracy on a one minute timing
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Expectations
Know correct keyboarding technique
Show correct body and finger positions
Demonstrate correct keyboarding technique.
Review keys with teacher-directed keyboarding program (TTL4)
Compose at the keyboard
Demonstrate required speed and accuracy
4th Grade: 15 wpm speed at 85% accuracy
5th Grade: 20 wpm speed at 85% accuracy
6th Grade: 20 wpm speed at 90% accuracy
7th Grade: 20 wpm speed at 90% accuracy
8th Grade: 25 wpm speed at 90% accuracy
Keyboarding and Writing Curriculum: PDF FILE
ISTE Curriculum that supports teaching Keyboarding
2. Communication and Collaboration
2.b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
3. Research and Information Fluency
3.b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
3.d. Process data and report results.
5. Digital Citizenship
5.a. Advocate and practice safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology.
5.b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity.
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
6.a. Understand and use technology systems.
Common Core Curriculum which supports Keyboarding:
3-8 Typing Lesson Plan Danielson Model