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Prekindergarten and Kindergarten

Daily Activities


Basic Use of Hardware:  Navigating with a mouse, recognizing and using keys: (e.g., letters, numbers, and space bar).






Keyboarding Skills and Word Processing Activities:    

10 to 20 Minutes





Illustrating a simple concept using paint applications.   Draw basic shapes and learn about symmetry using Sumopaint and MS Office Paint, Word, PowerPoint.

10 to 20 Minutes.






Demonstrate the safe and cooperative use of technology.  

10 to 20 Minutes.







Identify Computer Parts/Software








Curriculum is based on the following:  

ISTE NET-S, Common Core Standards, Vermont Skill Based GEs


NET-S Technology Standards Based on PreK-2


1. Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. (1, 2)

2. Identify, research, and collect data on an environmental issue using digital resources and propose a developmentally appropriate solution. (1, 3, 4)

3. Engage in learning activities with learners from multiple cultures through e-mail and other electronic means. (2, 6)

4. In a collaborative work group, use a variety of technologies to produce a digital presentation or product in a curriculum area. (1, 2, 6)

5. Find and evaluate information related to a current or historical person or event using digital resources. (3)

6. Use simulations and graphical organizers to explore and depict patterns of growth such as the life cycles of plants and animals. (1, 3, 4)

7. Demonstrate the safe and cooperative use of technology. (5)

8. Independently apply digital tools and resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (4, 6)

9. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology. (6)

10. Demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments such as electronic books, simulation software, and Web sites. (6)


Common Core Standards  PreK-1

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Print many upper- and lowercase letters.

Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I

Recognize and name end punctuation.

With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.

Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.

Vermont Grade Expectations PreK-1



Navigating with a mouse, recognizing and using keys: (e.g., letters, numbers, and space bar).


Describing and practicing responsible use of technology (e.g., don't bang on the keyboard).



Differentiating between right and left mouse click [Windows] or click, hold, and drag [Mac/Windows]


Launching a program from the desktop using a shortcut or alias.


Minimizing applications.


Using removable media (e.g., floppy disk, CD, DVD, USB, Cameras, Devices)


Entering, selecting, deleting text


Manipulating styles (e.g., bold face, italicize and underline).


Illustrating a simple concept using a paint applications

Vermont Early Learning Standards VELS

Approaches to learning

Element 1: Play and Exploration Goal 1: Children engage in play to understand the world around them.

Element 2: Initiative Goal 1: Children show curiosity about the world around them and take action to interact with it and learn.

Element 3: Problem Solving Goal 1: Children display an interest in novel situations and demonstrate flexibility, creativity and innovation in solving challenging tasks.


Social and Emotional Development

Element 1: Emotions and Self-Regulation Goal 1: Children express a range of emotions and regulate their emotional and social responses

Element 2: Self-Awareness Goal 1: Children demonstrate an awareness of own personal characteristics, skills and abilities

Element 3: Relationships with Adults and Peers Goal 1: Children develop healthy positive relationships with adults and peers

Growing, Moving and Being Healthy

Element 1: Motor Development and Coordination Goal 1: Children develop strength, coordination, and control of their large muscles.

Element 1: Motor Development and Coordination Goal 2: Children develop strength, eye-hand coordination, and control of their small or fine motor muscles.

Element 2: Health and Safety Practices Goal 1: Children develop healthy eating habits and knowledge of good nutrition.

Element 2: Health and Safety Practices Goal 2: Children develop personal health and self-care habits, and become increasingly independent.

Element 2: Health and Safety Practices Goal 3: Children develop the ability to identify unsafe situations, and use safe practices.

Language Developement

Element 1: Receptive Language (Listening) Goal 1: Young children attend to, comprehend, and respond to increasingly complex language.

Element 2: Expressive Language (Speaking) Goal 1: Young children use increasingly complex vocabulary and grammar to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Element 3: Speaking & Listening (CCSS) Goal 1: Children demonstrate an increasing ability to comprehend and participate in collaborative conversations. Their ability to present information and discuss their ideas increases at each grade level.

Element 4: Social Rules of Language Goal 1: Young children initiate and maintain conversations with others while developing knowledge and use of the social rules of language.

Element 5: Language (CCSS) Goal 1: Children demonstrate increasing knowledge and use of the conventions of Standard English and an ability to think about language. They gradually acquire a larger & more complex vocabulary and an understanding of word relationships and the nuances in word meanings

Element 5: Language (CCSS) (continued) Goal 1: Children demonstrate increasing knowledge and use of the conventions of Standard English and an ability to think about language. They gradually acquire a larger & more complex vocabulary and an understanding of word relationships and the nuances in word meanings.

Element 6: Dual Language Learners—Receptive and Expressive English Language Skills Goal 1: Young children whose home language is not English, demonstrate the ability to listen, understand, and respond to increasing more complex spoken English.


Communication and Expression:  LIteracy Developement

Element 1: Foundational Reading Skills Goal 1: Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing.

Element 2: Reading Element 2a: Engagement with Literature and Informational Text Goal 1: Children develop “book language” and demonstrate comprehension.

Element 2: Reading Element 2b: Reading Literature Goal 1: Children demonstrate knowledge of the key ideas and details of stories read to them and which they read, the craft and structure of literature, the ability to integrate knowledge and ideas, and to read a range of text with text complexity appropriate to their grade level.


















































fuzz bugs patterns.jpg

Activities/Lessons consist of students using a variety of online games to learn how to control the mouse:

Left Click

Right Click

Drag and Drop

Screen Minimize vs Maximize

Screen Restore

Exit Screen

Navigate Webpages using forward and back buttons.

Activities/Lessons consist of:

Keyboarding, Identifying keys and placement of fingers on keyboards 

Word Processing

Sentence Creation


Alphabetical Order

Number Order

Keeping fingers out of noses and mouths.....


Draw basic shapes

Draw lines of symmetry

Illustrate Original Ideas  and Concepts via paint

Create Original Artwork


Students to understand the basics of "trusted adult."

Keeping personal information private.  

Describing the practical, responsible, proper use of technology (not pounding on keyboard, etc).

Students to identify computer parts:







Students to identify computer software:

Open and use a variety of programs



alphabet game.jpg
My Drawing.jpeg
cup stacking.jpg
Mouse Jelly.jpg
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