Activity 1: Keyboard Camp: Watch the video! Get Stars!
Keyboarding is an integral part of technology classes. Starting in 3rd Grade Students begin TypingClub. By 7th and 8th a majority of our students have completed 60 of 100 lessons. This gives them an average typing speed of 30 words per minute. Each Class begins with 15 minutes of keyboarding or coding. Students that have completed keyboarding are switched over to the 15 minutes of coding which reinforces 10 Key skills and common core standards of math.
Activity 2: Make a video about something that you love, using Screencastify, or your phone.
Technology: How to Download Screencastify. Make a video using Screencastify. Video Requirements… 1) Include a computer screen in your cast 2) Include your face in your cast. 3) Think about the background of your video when you do a screencast. Your cast should be no longer than three minutes. Free These videos are just for us to learn how to screencast. I'm not looking to post them online. Example? See the Keyboarding Camp Video. Best Mr. Morris
Digital Citizenship is truly one of the most important technology subjects that students learn about. Much of the content knowledge relies on more mature subject matter, , as technology changes so does digital citizenship content and information.
Activity 3: Clean that Nasty Phone and Keyboard!
Let's be honest. Your phones are gross. We hold them all the time, set them on counters, even take them to the bathrooms with us. Here is a great video about how to clean your phone. If you don’t have a phone, clean someone else’s! Here is a really good video on how to clean your phone. Peace!
Activity 4: Make your own music!
Time to make some music. Ok guys we've done this one before, I need to you to create an mp3. This is a music file.
Send me your awesome songs!

Seventh and Eighth Grades
Daily Keyboarding: Try to pass at least 1-2 lessons per day .
4 to 5 stars on every lesson.
Word Processing and Presentation Activities:
Create and Edit Photographs .JPG Use: Online Video Editing Software,, Photoshop, GIMP,
Create and Edit Audio Files: MP3's, Oggs, and Wavs Use: Soundation, Audacity,
Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
Create and Edit Video Files: AVI and WMV Video Use Wondershare and Wevideo, Adobe Premiere Pro
Create and Edit 3D Models in Virtuall Reality: We Use Tinkercad, Fusion 360, Tiltbrush, HTC Vive, Blocks, Forge Print
Additional projects based topics.
Create Animations: Use: Pivot, Powerpoint,
Learn about Internet Safety/Exhibiting safe, legal and ethical behaviors when using technology: Common Sense Media
Presentation Software: Powerpoint, Moovley, Powtoon
Graphing Software: MS Excel, Google Sheets
Create and Edit Websites: Google Sites, Wix, Weebly ( Wordpress, Joomla)
Learning Code to create online games and apps.,,
Catamount News Network: Video and Audio Projects
Possible Future Projects
Maker Class
Astronomy Maker Class
Electrical Unit (Understanding electricity and Drawing Circuts)
Drones (Flight Lesson Plan Unit)
ISTE NETS 7th and 8th
1. Describe and illustrate a content-related concept or process using a model, simulation, or concept-mapping software. (1, 2)
2. Create original animations or videos documenting school, community, or local events. (1, 2, 6)
3. Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision making using digital tools and resources. (1, 4)
4. Participate in a cooperative learning project in an online learning community. (2)
5. Evaluate digital resources to determine the credibility of the author and publisher and the timeliness and accuracy of the content. (3)
6. Employ data-collection technology such as probes, handheld devices, and geographic mapping systems to gather, view, analyze, and report results for content-related problems. (3, 4, 6)
7. Select and use the appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. (3, 4, 6)
8. Use collaborative electronic authoring tools to explore common curriculum content from multicultural perspectives with other learners. (2, 3, 4, 5)
9. Integrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation. (1, 6)
10. Independently develop and apply strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems. (4, 6)
Common Core Standards 7th Grade
1. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas, Comprehension and Collaboration, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Production and Distribution of Writing Text Types and Purposes
Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text analyzing each medium’s portrayal of the subject (e.g. how the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words).
2. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.
3. Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.
4. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study.
5. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Common Core Standards 8th Grade
1. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas, Comprehension and Collaboration, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Production and Distribution of Writing Text Types and Puposes
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia ) to present a particular topic or idea.
2. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.
3. Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.
4. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.
5. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
7. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting (e.g. headings), graphics (e.g., charts and tables), and multimedia when useful, aiding in comprehension.
Vermont Grade Expectations 7th and 8th Grades
Opening documents from and saving documents to nested folders.
Cutting, copying, and pasting within a document, across documents, and across applications.
Launching a program by locating it on the internal, external, and network drive.
Using effective keyboarding:
Using digital tools to capture images and other information (e.g., temperature, light, sound, etc.) and import them into a computer.
Locating files and folders using multiple criteria within the Find command.
Saving documents in multiple formats (e.g., .doc, .jpg, .pdf, .rtf,source and txt).
Compressing and decompressing files.
Creating, naming, and renaming folders.
Creating folders within folders (nested folders) in a purposeful structure.
Copying and moving files and folders.
Creates shortcuts/alias
Creating a duplicate/backup document in another location.
Documenting sources of information obtained through electronic resources using acceptable formats.
Applying copyright and fair use guidelines in student work.
Explaining the accuracy and relevancy of the content
Exhibiting safe, legal and ethical behaviors when using technology.
Describing societal consequences of inappropriate use .
Comparing and contrasting information found on the internet for relevancy, accuracy, and reliability.
Manipulating styles and formats (e.g., headers, footers, borders, page breaks, tabs and margins, multiple columns, text boxes) linking text blocks, span multiple columns, masthead).
Using spell check, thesaurus, and grammar check.
Creating a table
Creating and manipulating a data base, by entering, sorting, searching/finding/querying and using multiple criteria.
Generating a report.
Creating a spreadsheet from a blank page, including formulas and functions (MIN, MAX MEDIAN, MODE, ROUND), formatting cells (e.g. numeric, monetary, percent, values).
Creating a graphical representation appropriate to the numerical data (e.g., scatter plot, x-y)
Manipulating format (e.g., resizing rows and columns, font, colors, hiding grid)
Importing/inserting objects from other sources
Selecting and using a draw or paint application appropriate for the task.
Modifying a digital image using flip, rotate, resize, crop, select, copy and paste
Selecting and saving images in the appropriate format (e.g., jpg, tif, gif)
Illustrating a variety of relationships, ideas and topics (e.g. cause and effect, Venn diagram, organizational charts, flow chart).
Importing an illustration .
Linking an element to appropriate files and URL(s).
Using a graphing calculator and grade appropriate applications/ functions (e.g., graphing, statistics, tables).
Creating a linear and non-linear presentation including title slide, graphics, text, voice, sound related to topic, scanned or digital photo, animation, bibliography and table of contents, video clip.
Creating a web page including text, graphics, tables and relative and absolute links
Attaching a file to an email message and noting in the body the file format..
Combining and compressing multiple files and sending as an attachment
Adding an entry into address book and using to send a message.
Creating a mailing list
Creating a signature.
Locating information that is accurate, relevant, appropriate and identifying possible bias (opinion vs. fact) using a variety of electronic resources.
Comparing and contrasting: directories, search engines, and meta-search engines.
Implementing a search strategy using Boolean logic (e.g., and, or, not, near).
Exporting and importing bookmarks/favorites and organizing sites into categories.
Justifying decisions made, (e.g. representing data, formatting, setting up formula, selecting criteria for search)Example: How did the bar graph represent the data better than a pie chart?
Selecting and justifying the appropriate tools and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems (e.g., spread sheet vs. data base, word processing vs. presentation program.)
Applying technology skills to learning unfamiliar technologies (e.g., digital cameras, scanners, probes)Example: What are the first steps you would take to figure out how to use a new technology?
Using electronic Help to solve a problem or to learn something new
Identifying and using a defensible troubleshooting process
Creating and using simulations or models, e.g., spreadsheet to design "what if" scenarios Example: What would be the possible effects on the environment of extending the moose-hunting season another week?